
To grow cycling through diversity and unity

Newcastle Hunter Cycling Club is a down-to-earth community where everyone is welcome.

We exist to grow cycling by fostering diversity and unity. We create a vibrant future for our club by opening our doors to all, mentoring the next generation of cyclists and we accomplish more as a diverse team. We’re not about the latest gear or individual pursuits. We champion the underdog, avoid the BS and keep it real.

Our vision is to make the Hunter region the centre of Australia’s cycling universe. We achieve this through our positive culture which inspires each of our members to achieve more than they ever thought possible. We represent the entire region and celebrate the wins, big and small. We step up to the challenge whilst having fun and working together.

More than a club, be part of a collective that grows friendships and breaks barriers. We are determined to make cycling more visible and contribute to the greater good. We are NHCC.



At NHCC our mission is to make the Hunter Region the centre of Australia’s cycling universe.

Club Contracts

Policies and Forms

Learn more about NHCC Club Contracts, what are they and how do they help our club thrive?



At NHCC we have a sense of history where we are proud and determined to connect the old to the new.



View images from previous race events, social rides and social events.

Newcastle Hunter Cycling Club

Newcastle Hunter Cycling Club has been a successful local cycling club in Newcastle, NSW since 1961.

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